Nacida en el Norte de África, sus orígenes, el mundo “exótico”.
En su trabajo hay una complejidad de conceptos de distinta referencia en las que capta sensaciones de autentico impacto.
Un hermoso camino a través del cual enriquece nuestra propia visión del mundo.


Nacida en Melilla en mayo de 1952 y catalana de adopción, se inicia, durante los románticos años 70, en el mundillo de la moda femenina.
Después de trabajar como diseñadora en Barcelona, París y México, ya en los años 90, fija su residencia en España e intenta conversar con el Arte y la Pintura, aplicando la estilización de las formas y destacando por la intensa luz y colorido que imprime a sus obras.
Entusiasta y experta viajera de mares y países exóticos, es una persona comprometida y solidaria que presta su apoyo a las mas diversas causas humanitarias: Sus colaboraciones en Hispanoamérica con Médicos sin Fronteras e Intervida y sus exposiciones a favor de Intermón (1996), de la Fundación Vicente Ferrer (2001) y de la Fundación Esclerosis Múltiple en Junio del 2.003, son algunos ejemplos.



Born in the North of Africa, her origins are in the exotic world.
In her work there is a complexity of concepts of different reference in which she captures sensations with authentic impact.
A beautiful path from where she enriches our own vision of the world.


She was born in Melilla, in the North of Africa, Spain, in May 1952, but in her early years she moved to Barcelona with her family.
She begins her career during the romantics 70’s as a clothes designer with a feminine line.
After living and working as a designer in Barcelona, Paris and México, in the 90’s, she establishes her residence in Spain and makes her first steps in the Art and Painting, applying the stylization of forms and enhancing the intensity of light and colorfulness that she prints in her work.
Enthusiastic and expert traveler of seas, countries and exotic lands, she is also a beautiful soul, a committed person and supportive, offering her help to the most diverse humanitarian causes with what she raises selling her paintings. She has collaborated with “Doctors Without Borders”, “Intervida” and “Intermón”. She has also cooperated with important Foundations in Europe like “Fundación Vicente Ferrer” and “The Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis”, are some of the important examples.